Welcome to the DyStar & Color Solutions Blog – eColorWorld
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Welcome to the Color Solutions blog, your online resource for color and trend.

Inspired by emerging trends in art and culture the Color Solutions/DyStar blog offers fashion designers and color managers data-driven color analysis, color trend and color validation for their seasonal palettes. Season after season, designers from all over the world, have valued the expert consultation of the CSI color team to guide their seasonal palettes. If you would like more information on color development, please visit csicolors.com. 

With data collected from 10+ years of ColorWall™ usage across more than 100 brands and retailers, we would like to present the “Top ColorWall Colors of All Time”. The colors...

With data collected from 10+ years of ColorWall™ usage across more than 100 brands and retailers, we would like to present the “Top ColorWall Colors of All Time”. The colors...

With data collected from 10+ years of ColorWall™ usage across more than 100 brands and retailers, we would like to present the “Top ColorWall Colors of All Time”. The colors...

With data collected from 10+ years of ColorWall™ usage across more than 100 brands and retailers, we would like to present the “Top ColorWall Colors of All Time”. The colors...

With data collected from 10+ years of ColorWall™ usage across more than 100 brands and retailers, we would like to present the “Top ColorWall Colors of All Time”. The colors...

With data collected from 10+ years of ColorWall™ usage across more than 100 brands and retailers, we would like to present the “Top ColorWall Colors of All Time”. The colors...

With data collected from 10+ years of ColorWall™ usage across more than 100 brands and retailers, we would like to present the “Top ColorWall Colors of All Time”. The colors...

With data collected from 10+ years of ColorWall™ usage across more than 100 brands and retailers, we would like to present the “Top ColorWall Colors of All Time”. The colors...

AW21/22 COLOR ANALYSIS A trend forecasting report, that offers brands and retailers high-level global trends based on consumer reports, detailed market research and generational mindsets influenced by art and culture. With the...