21 Apr Top ColorWall Colors for March 2015
Based on our sales records for the month of March, periwinkle blue, dark navy and cobalt are amongst the preferred shades of blue on the apparel color palettes, mostly selected for the spring-summer season.
CLICK HERE to find the complete list of the top selling blues for March
Trending in the green/ turquoise family are dusty sage, dark teal and pine green.
CLICK HERE to find the complete list of the top selling teals and greens for March
Soft aqua and minty green are some of the lighter tonals appearing in the designers seasonal color selections.
CLICK HERE to find some of the top selling ColorWall aquas and mints for March 2015
Vibrant corals and bright pink bring warm tropical feel to the Spring / Summer color palettes.
CLICK HERE to find some of the top selling ColorWall pinks and corals for March 2015
Rich shades of purple and burgundy continue to be some of designers’ favorite colors and are selected across all seasons – as core colors for fall and winter and as a fresh contemporary addition for the spring/summer palettes.
CLICK HERE to find some of the top selling ColorWall purple and burgundy colors for March 2015