16 Jul Spring/Summer 15 | Blissful
I don’t believe that one has to travel to faraway lands to find inspiration and harmony. The perfect place to be can be just within a reach. As simple thing as a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning, crispy clean linens or a box of fresh macaroons, can take you mind on an exciting trip. Finding sweetness in the simple pleasures of life, surely it is a gift or should we say a pure blessing.
Breezy aquas and delightful mints create an atmosphere of lightness and “shabby chic”. Periwinkle with a drop of violet, gives the color palette extra hip. Golden tones of yellow and creamy caramel, warm up the palette, transmitting a relaxing, cozy feel.
The pastels in this palette can be applied as single piece colors, or used to create a watercolor appearance or an ombre effect. Transparency and fluidity are key approaches. Color blocking between two bright pastels and a warm neutral can achieve modern contemporary effect. The overall mood is carefree and positive.
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“Blissful” Color Combinations:
More Spring/ Summer 2015 Color Palettes: