15 Aug Spring/Summer 2019 | Color Analysis
Color Analysis is a trend forecasting report that provides global color trend information for color managers, directors, and designers to support the color palette development process.
In this issue of Color Analysis, our color and trend director provides you with high-level global color to support the color palette development process. The Lifestyle issue contains a forecast of key colors, accents and core neutrals that will be most relevant for the upcoming seasons. This forecast is based on consumer reports, detailed market research, current social trends and generational mindsets. Also In this issue, we feature artist Shanna Dunlap a forward-thinking artist whose work reflects the mood of our four lifestyle stories.
Shanna Dunlap is a current student at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Her body of work includes The Dream World, a series influenced by dreams and how both good and bad dreams affect your daily life. Shanna is currently a student at the Savannah College of Art and Design who is earning her B.F.A in Photography with a double concentration in fine art and documentary photography.
Shanna’s work influenced The Water Effect – part of our Destination story in this issue of Color Analysis. In this story, we bring you colors that reflect the healing and calming effects of water as it relates to trends in travel and leisure. Deep ocean blues, oceanic mineral stone grays, and azure blues are all selected to inspire your next color palette.
Other stories include:
Mindfulness: A story of quiet confidence that highlights the spring transition palette.
Awaken: Is an intuitive palette of soft pastels with vivid brights that usher us into a mid-spring palette.
Authenticity: Spring continues with bright colors that celebrate youth and their authentic influence in art and culture.
Destination: High summer reflects colors of arriving at our favorite summer water destinations that offer optimistic blues and shades of aquamarine
Click HERE to purchase Color Analysis and/or the ring set for this issue.