Orange and Teal have the highest contrast between values of any pair of complementary colors on the color wheel. By changing from warm to cool, we add depth to this combination of orange, rust, copper, dark teal and turquoise tones. The mix of blue and green has a sweet feminine feel while the darker teal shades add lively sophistication.
Turquoise alone is linked to emotional balance and serenity, while studies show that the orange color can create physical effects such as a heightened sense of activity, increased socialization, and stimulate mental activity. Orange also helps aid decision making and enhances happiness, confidence, and understanding.
Balance and Serenity
Orange has also been embraced by cultures across the world as one that energizes the spirit while providing pleasure and serenity. Historically, it is a color that brings peace, harmony and lasting happiness. Native Indians believed that this stone had an ability to ward off evil and offer health.
The Golden Hour
Orange and Teal replicate the golden hour with the warmth of orange light against a blue sky or cool waters. It is this unique balance that makes this combination it a standout in the color spectrum.
Color Confidence
If your signature color is rust, then it pairs beautifully with shades of blue and green. In this image, orange accents join with green foliage and rich teal on a clean white backdrop to add a unique and cozy environment.
Orange Goes Rustic
Orange takes a sophisticated turn with rust-colored hues blending with levels of turquoise. These hues together bring optimism as a saturated form of the traditional orange with its simplicity and earthiness.
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