22 Jun Irina Todorova-Kuneva | Photography
There has long been debate as to the categorization of photography as an art form. Not pretending to be an expert in the field, I only speak from personal opinion and subjective taste. When I first saw Irina’s photography and especially her photo manipulations (that’s how she is calling them) there was an immediate connection, an immediate emotion. I was inspired by her surrealistic approach on everyday objects, creating a new magical reality, and the fact that there is a story behind each and one of her works. She is not only a great technician with the camera; she is a sophisticated artist who knows how to translate ideas and fantasies to reach the audience.
To see more of Irina Todorova-Kuneva ‘s photography you can go to https://www.facebook.com/irina.todorovakuneva?ref=ts#!/pages/COUNTESS-CHERRY-ATELIER/376702885096