19 Sep Ashley Bremer | Photography
Color Analysis is a trend forecasting report, that offers brands and retailers high-level global trends based on consumer reports, detailed market research and generational mindsets influenced by art and culture. For the Spring Summer 2020 report, we spotlight student artist Ashley Bremer. Ashley Bremer is a textile artist and photographer who has a systematic and layered working method, producing prints, weavings, and interactive artworks.
Originally from a suburb of Chicago, Ashley headed to Georgia and obtained her BFA in fibers from the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). Fibers is a tactile major that pertains to all the materials of our everyday lives from the clothes we wear to the upholstery we sit on. Using photography as a way of capturing fleeting moments of texture and color, she is most at bliss when traveling and being submerged in the vastness of nature. With a focus on interiors, her fibers work, add pops of whimsical warmth to any home.
This picture of the doorway was taken in Oppede le Vieux, France when Ashley was studying abroad. A natural gradient of peeling paint, there is something beautiful about aging entryways. The more rustic character they possess, the more alluring they become. “It starts to make you think about the different people that lived inside the building previously and fills you with a humbled clarity as you realize how short your individual life is in the grand scheme of things, this building is lasting the test of time.”
This photo of the woman hanging laundry was taken on the island of Burano off of Venice, Italy. A city of soft, rainbow hues, it was my favorite city in Europe that Ashley visited. Venice may be an insanely touristy destination, but it somehow felt the most like a home. You could hear people whistling from inside open windows, and see women hanging their laundry. The city felt lived in, loved, inviting. It instantly captured Ashley’s’s heart!
Ashley has a passion for interiors, photography, and textiles (specifically weaving and color-work). Anything that combines one or more of those interests creates a sense of peace and happiness for her! If you’d like to know more about Ashley, please visit her Instagram page HERE. For more art & culture inspiration click HERE.